AMD Xilinx Unveils Alveo MA35D Accelerator To Tackle The Demands Of Next-Gen Interactive Digital Content
The pervasiveness, popularity and necessity of on-line video and video streaming continues to grow at a brisk pace. Whereas online video once consisted of low-resolution embeds haphazardly hosted on generic servers, it has since evolved into a massive industry, with rich, interactive content that is vital to a myriad of businesses and consumers across the globe, and increased adoption everywhere from entertainment to education. Some estimates claim the global video streaming market was valued at over $89 billion in 2022, with expectations that it would expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.5% between now 2030. As the industry expands, the demand for servers and appliances purpose-built to handle the workloads and optimize for latency, bandwidth, density and power will commensurately expand as well.