Posts tagged Cadence
The Industry’s First System Chiplet For ADAS, Drones And AI Arrives

leaders in the EDA space like Cadence have continuously bolstered their toolsets to better assist customers of all sizes in the design, simulation and testing of their wares. But a few weeks ago, Cadence took things a significant step further, and actually architected, designed, and taped out what the company calls the industry’s first Arm-based system chiplet, in an effort to help customers design and implement their own chiplets.

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Cadence Supercharges Chip Debug And Prototyping With Palladium Z3 And Protium X3 Systems

Cadence Design Systems, launched its latest systems for chip designers for hardware debugging and advanced prototyping, the Palladium Z3 and Protium X3. Though the systems are fundamentally different, each offers significantly increased capacity and higher performance versus its predecessors, to accelerate the development of today’s larger and more complex chips.

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Automotive Digitalization Sparks Big Growth For Chips And Design Tools

Many chip players have developed platforms for what’s referred to as the “software-defined vehicle,” where new features and services can be added at time of or after purchase, simply by unlocking them via software or uploading new firmware. However, to understand what’s driving this technology growth trend in the automotive industry, we need to look at the evolution of the modern digital chassis.

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